What if you were being attacked by an enemy you couldn’t see? Or even worse, what if you didn’t know you were under attack? Every day, our military families are under attack, and many of them are losing the battle against an enemy that they are blinded to or can’t seem to identify.
Weekly Challenge: Identify a moment in your life when you experienced goodness or the presence of God in the midst of trauma (whether downrange or not).
Life is full of questions. One of the most important is, “Who is God?” This question inevitably leads to “Where was God when _____ happened?”. As difficult as it is, this question is the first step in healing trauma, because it seeks to understand trauma’s root, which is not personal though it may feel that way. Trauma is undeserved and is done to us. Sin is premeditated and is done by us. Both are related. Trauma has a way of lowering our spiritual defense systems, whether through an overall weakening (like when a person acquires pneumonia) or through the creation of a stronghold that weakens other areas in our lives (like when a person breaks a bone). Trauma creates a breach and isolates you, which can leave you more susceptible to spiritual attack and to sin. The original source of trauma is because men choose to sin. To take away the suffering sin causes could only be accomplished by eliminating our free will, and instead God gave us the choice. These decisions have far-reaching effects that lead to the harsh and cruel world that many of us see today. There is an enemy, in a war that is not physical (Ephesians 6:12) that seeks to take advantage of the vulnerability that trauma creates, and who seeks to isolate and devour you. Satan uses trauma as a point of attack, and will not cease. You do not fight this war alone. You have an ally who does not abandon you to battle this enemy on your own. Even if God does not deliver you from your trials, He will never abandon you. He will join you in the fire (Daniel 3:25). God is able to take what the enemy intended for harm and use it for good (Genesis 50:20). Though your soul has been wounded by trauma due the action of sinful men, God can heal your soul and restore you. More than that, you are now part of a community that has been where you have been, no matter how dark and hopeless it might seem. You are valuable, worthwhile, and there is a plan for you after you make it through this season of your life. Some main points as these concepts relate to combat trauma:
As you finish out the week, keep in mind that suffering is guaranteed in this world because of the sinful actions of man, and that God is capable of redeeming those evils for good. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) If you have any prayer requests, questions, concerns, or just want to connect, let us know and we will get you covered! Have a great weekend and we will see you next week!
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