By Brian Duff ![]() What is PrepperMedIf you listened to podcast episodes M4S008 and M4S009, you’ll know the name Kevin Reiter and will have heard about his October 7th and 8th PrepperMed class in Colorado. Kevin is with and wilderness safety and first aid are his thing. Wilderness first aid, especially for those of you who have limited first aid knowledge and experience is a great course! It teaches you how to manage a patient for extended periods of time. This provides you with improved capabilities should the worst case scenario happen. Imagine finding yourself on your own, with no help coming your way. It’s just you and your family, or friends. As you go about your day, one of your family suffers a serious injury. An injury that you must deal with. It’s up to you. The future of your family member is in your hands. What do you do? You don’t have a YouTube video to watch. EMS isn’t on the way. Do you step up? Well, if you want to improve your skills so you can step up, this is the course for you. Why is PrepperMed so Great? While Kevin’s course is awesome, there are a number of other great things about this course. First, me – yours truly – I – the Duffster is going to be there. Why is that so good? It’s totally awesome because I get to meet you if you’re there too. Let me say that I am completely pumped about getting to meet some of you who are on the other end of our linked keyboards. Next, in addition to all of the other really awesome students, there will be a number of better known prepping personalities. For instance, Dale and Lisa Goodwin from will be there in the flesh. Well, they’ll be there in their clothes, but in person. Sam Bradley with the will be there too, along with others. Not only will we be there, but we’ll be putting on short courses in other prepper related courses. So while yes, this is a wilderness medicine course, it is much, much more. It’s a weekend of wide ranging prepperness! It’s a weekend I am really looking forward to and hoping you all do as well. If you are interested in PrepperMed I suggest getting on the train really quick as seats are filling up. To get on the train, just follow the link above or below to and sign up. I hope to see you there! Lastly, never forget, you’re just one prep away. If you have any questions, suggestions, or thoughts on PrepperMed, please leave a comment below. Stay safe, secure and prepared.
By Brian Duff ![]() Many people, especially those new to prepping, often wonder what the best preparedness investment is. When they ask, they often get a wide array of answers. Sometimes those answers are constructive. Sometimes they’re not so constructive. We have to understand though, that we all were new preppers at one point. Yes, every one of us was the novice prepper with little understanding and a lot of questions. Questions In deciding what and how to spend their money they ask many questions. Some of those questions are:
The questions go on, and on, and on. No Such Thing as a Bad Question Fortunately, every one of the questions prepper novices ask is a great question. When it comes to being prepared and trying to understand better, there are almost no stupid questions. After all, the questions are important because a new prepper is often looking to improve their preparedness on a budget. That is a budget of both time and money. As is all too often the case, budgets are limited. Because they are limited, investing in the right preparedness items are key to success. So, What’s the Point? So, you’re thinking “Okay Brian, I got it, but where is all of this going?” All of this is going someplace. That place is right here with this… You’ve Invested! Everyone who is asking those questions has already made the best prepper investment possible. They’ve invested in their mind. They have committed their mind to being prepared. The First Step Often, the first step is the hardest. Plus, in a society where people who prepare are regularly snickered at, that first step is even more difficult. That first step is the best preparedness investment because it’s the investment that will lead you down the road to improved preparedness, survivability, and resiliency. It’s the step that will help insure you and your family are successful, where others may fail. It is taking responsibility for your future and working to overcome life’s many challenges. It’s not being a lemming on the road to disaster. It is the best preparedness investment you can make. It’s what sets you apart from so many others. I’m so Fortunate! It’s why I feel privileged to be a member of this community with you. A community full of good people who want to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. So, congratulations! Keep up the great work and keep on preppin’! Lastly, never forget, you’re just one prep away. If you have any other information, suggestions, or thoughts on the best preparedness investment, please leave a comment below. Stay safe, secure and prepared. |