By Brian Duff What is PrepperMedIf you listened to podcast episodes M4S008 and M4S009, you’ll know the name Kevin Reiter and will have heard about his October 7th and 8th PrepperMed class in Colorado. Kevin is with and wilderness safety and first aid are his thing. Wilderness first aid, especially for those of you who have limited first aid knowledge and experience is a great course! It teaches you how to manage a patient for extended periods of time. This provides you with improved capabilities should the worst case scenario happen. Imagine finding yourself on your own, with no help coming your way. It’s just you and your family, or friends. As you go about your day, one of your family suffers a serious injury. An injury that you must deal with. It’s up to you. The future of your family member is in your hands. What do you do? You don’t have a YouTube video to watch. EMS isn’t on the way. Do you step up? Well, if you want to improve your skills so you can step up, this is the course for you. Why is PrepperMed so Great? While Kevin’s course is awesome, there are a number of other great things about this course. First, me – yours truly – I – the Duffster is going to be there. Why is that so good? It’s totally awesome because I get to meet you if you’re there too. Let me say that I am completely pumped about getting to meet some of you who are on the other end of our linked keyboards. Next, in addition to all of the other really awesome students, there will be a number of better known prepping personalities. For instance, Dale and Lisa Goodwin from will be there in the flesh. Well, they’ll be there in their clothes, but in person. Sam Bradley with the will be there too, along with others. Not only will we be there, but we’ll be putting on short courses in other prepper related courses. So while yes, this is a wilderness medicine course, it is much, much more. It’s a weekend of wide ranging prepperness! It’s a weekend I am really looking forward to and hoping you all do as well. If you are interested in PrepperMed I suggest getting on the train really quick as seats are filling up. To get on the train, just follow the link above or below to and sign up. I hope to see you there! Lastly, never forget, you’re just one prep away. If you have any questions, suggestions, or thoughts on PrepperMed, please leave a comment below. Stay safe, secure and prepared.
By Brian Duff As summer approaches, these summer safety tips will help keep you and your family safe, secure, and prepared. Whether you’re planning a short weekend getaway, or a long exodus, these three summer safety tips are meant for you. Drink Water The #1 summer safety tip is to drink plenty of water. How much water should you drink each day? According to Authority Nutrition, adults’ daily water intake should be: “Eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon.” You should increase your water intake based on the environment and activity level. If it’s hot, or you’re active, increase the amount of water you drink. How do you know when you’re hydrated? One easy way to tell is by the color of your pee. When your pee is pale yellow to gold, you should be good to go. If you keep your pee pale yellow, you should stay on the right side of hydration. Cover Up We’re not getting into the issue of tanning in this post. Instead, we’re focusing on your safety and security. When it comes to summer safety and clothes, that means covering up. The American Cancer Society states: “When you are out in the sun, wear clothing and a wide-brimmed hat to protect as much skin as possible. Protect your eyes with sunglasses that block at least 99% of UV light.” Covering up also means using an SPF 30 or higher sunblock. A sunburn can put you out of the game, so avoid it at all costs. It’s important for your health and to ensure you are able to remain active. Check Your Bug-Out Plan and Supplies Summer brings hurricanes, wildfires, and other events. Any of these events could force you to flee your home with little warning. You should always be prepared to leave your home on short notice. Being prepared to bug-out includes having a plan and supplies ready to go. Bug-Out Plan Your bug-out plan should be a part of your overall family disaster plan. Do you have one? If not, stop wasting time and get one going. If you have a plan, take a look at it and see if it needs to be updated. Once you’ve reviewed it, go over and practice it with your family. Bug-Out Supplies Think back to people fleeing Hurricane Katrina, western wildfires, or similar scenarios. In many events, seconds matter. Because seconds are important, everyone in your family should have a bag of basic items ready to go (a bug-out bag). Likewise, you should have some basic emergency supplies stored in your car. By having emergency supplies ready, you will be set to act when the time for action comes. Many of today’s cars do not have much storage space. Because of this, you may find yourself limited to what emergency supplies you can carry. At a minimum, you should carry the below items, regardless of the space. If you have additional space, increase the amount of your supplies, or introduce other supplies.
Summer Safety Tips Checklist #1 Drink Water – Adults eight 8-ounce glasses (½ gallon) of water per day. #2 Cover Up – Wear clothing and sunblock to protect you from the sun. #3 Emergency Plan and Supplies – Review or create an emergency plan. Set-up bug-out bags and emergency car supplies so you’re ready to move on a moment’s notice. Lastly, never forget, you’re just one prep away. If you have any other information, suggestions, or thoughts about summer safety, please leave a comment below. Stay safe, secure and prepared. |